Off Road and Automotive Enthusiast
Off Road Trail Repair

6 hour course Saturday June 1, 2024
Cost $200
12 Spots
8:30am - 4:00pm
Location: Western Montgomery CTC
77 Graterford Rd
Limerick, PA 19468

Each registrant will use their own vehicle in class. You will be performing a pre and post trip inspection. Also, you will learn how to improvise and perform your own on-trail repairs in order to get your vehicle safely back to the trail head. Curriculum and lunch provided.
Registration information is coming soon!!!!! Join mailing list and we will contact when registration link is ready and updates on future courses.

Service, inspect and rebuild your own differentials
Our automotive enthusiast classes are designed for the automotive hobbyist, or a entry to intermmediate level technicain that has had no prior training within the course offering.
In our differential class, you will be able to inspect, and service your own differentials. Additionally, the first six requests will have an opportunity to build their Dana 30/44 (must be removed from vehicle) differential, in house during the class. Also, all students will have the opportunity to inspect and service their vehicle differentials (in vehicle) during class. All students will learn differential theory, operation, and rebuilding procedures including re-gearing, and locker installation. The cost of the class includes books, but does not include the cost of parts towards servicing or rebuilding your own vehicles. Please email us for availabilty on building your differantials.
Course offerings for the hobbyist or professional. Please email in order to be put on mailing list for upcoming course dates.